Lemon lime refrigerator cupcakes



This is a really simple recipe that my grandmother found in the 70’s in a Duncan Hines womens home magazine and taught to me.

She always made it as a cake but I make it in cupcakes, filled with the lemon-Dream whip inside.

Here’s the recipe and pictures so you can try it. Keep in mind, you can use different flavors too of the pudding, jello and cake mix itself.


What you’ll need:

  • One box of lemon cake mix and the ingredients on the package are
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/3 cup of vegetable oil.
  • You will also need a box of Dream whip (comes with two envelopes)
  • and you’ll need 3 cups of very cold milk.
  • One box of lime jello
  • 2 boxes of lemon pudding (make sure it’s the instant kind)
  • And poppy seeds (optional)
  • Makes 24 cupcakes.


Prepare lemon cake as the directions call for on the box.

Fill 2 cupcake pans (lined with papers) a little over halfway up. Makes 24 cupcakes.

Bake as box directs.


While your cupcakes are in the oven, bring 3/4 water to a boil. Remove from heat and add one envelope of lime jello, and one cup of cold water. Stir and set aside. Do not refrigerate! We need it to stay in liquid form.

Take 2 envelopes of Dream Whip and 2 envelopes of lemon pudding and 3 cups of cold milk into a bowl. Beat it with an electric mixer for at least 2 minutes, until the topping is getting nice and thick.

When topping is ready, put it in the fridge.


When the cupcakes are done, pull them out and allow them to cool off.

Once cool, cut at an angle, a triangle out of the top of each cupcake.

Pull top off and with a knife, cut the top piece flat underneath so you’ll have room for the filling.

Take your lime jello and spoon a bit into the cut open cupcake and drizzle a little on the top.

If you want to make regular cupcakes that aren’t filled or a cake, stab in with a fork all over and drizzle the jello on top of the cake/cupcakes slowly allowing the cake to absorb the jello.





Take your topping out of the fridge and with a spoon or filling bag put a bit of the filling in the center or the now cut cupcakes. You can use a ziplock bag for this too by putting the filling in the bag and cutting a tiny part of the corner to use like a pastry bag.




Once you have filled all of them, put the tops back on and add your left over topping. 

Add poppy seeds to the top if desired and refrigerate immediately for at least a half hour.

Then take them out to serve and enjoy! 🙂


